"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Thursday, July 31, 2008

On The Mend

It has been a rough couple of days....
When Marianna wakes up crying at night or in the morning, it usually means somethings wrong. Well, Saturday morning she woke up screaming and things went downhill from there. She just "wasn't herself". However, there was no runny nose, cough, or anything...Hmmmm. Maybe a food allergy?? Oh, no. Just as I was on my way out Monday morning to take DJ to get his wisdom tooth out (another story..) Marianna woke up with a very, very high temperature 102-103! She cried all day Monday and all day Tuesday. She didn't even respond to some of her favorite activities...
Playing in the pool..

Climbing on and off chairs...

Discovering her shadow...

A drink from the pool...

The sprinkler...

A carpet picnic and Barney video...

Well, she liked the Barney video a little...

Today, is the first day that she seems to back to herself. No temperature, just a little rash on the trunk of her body. We are still quarantined here today, but I am so happy to get some Marianna smiles back to my day!

Back to business as usual in the playroom.
Pooh getting a ride in the rocking chair...

And her latest and greatest activity is taking care of baby. Here she is giving baby a bottle...
(she actually makes slurping noises too like baby is drinking...super cute!!)

Baby gets a kiss (a big, wet, open mouthed kiss with tongue!!!) and a rock-a-bye!

I would say she is definitely over the hump and on the mend!!

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