"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Monday, October 31, 2011

JK Halloween Party (part 2)

Monsignor Chuck came in to explain the importance of Halloween and All Saints day to the kids...and he handed out gum. The gum went over much better than the explaination of All Saints Day to the kids :-)

Our treat table...

Ms. Churleo handed out little dolls to all the kids for Halloween.

Going through the treat bags..I think the fangs were the biggest hit!!

Finley is Quincy's little sister, she is a few months older than Daniella and is ADORABLE!!

Like I said, the fangs were a HUGE hit!

Nicole and her Mom, Heather. They had us over the night before for a Halloween Party and Spooky forest. It was awesome!!

Marianna and her BFF Quincy and Marianna and her close friend and neighbor, Claire.

The BCC Gang... (apparently all these three talked about last friday was the BCC hayride!)

The other crew...Cuties!

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