"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter Playtime

It's been a long, cold winter and we have been spending a lot of time indoors. We have kind of made a second playroom out of the living room and the girls love playing in there, coloring, jumping and listening to Taylor Swift (they BOTH love her!).

Daniella is 15 months and busier than ever! Climbing, running, getting into everything she shouldn't be...she's a handful right now...but cuter than ever!!

Marianna "running" playing tag with Daniella...(poor Daniella just runs in circles trying to get her!)
After a while, she gives up and just goes to "color"...

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