"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wonderful Autumn Weekend

Marianna prefers to call Fall, "Autumn", so instead of a perfect fall weekend..she kept calling it a "Wonderful Autumn, Mom". My dad had a hip replacement surgery at Beaumont this weekend so we were back and forth to the Hospital (Marianna's new favorite place) to keep him company. We manage to fill the weekend days (while DJ was out tailgating) with dress up, apple pie baking, applesauce making, and a playdate. Here are some pictures from the weekend...

Thanks so much to Grandma for keeping us company and to my Aunt Jan for finding me and applesauce maker! We made 2 batches and as of Monday morning, they are almost gone and Marianna is begging to make more!

Just being lil D....best kid ever...

Yia Yia came over and brought Marianna this new cute outfit that we both love! Thanks, Yia Yia!!

Marianna also had Paloma over for a playdate and the girls had so much fun playing outside on a beautiful Sunday!

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