"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fourth of July Festivities

This is kind of a "what we have been up to lately" blog...
We have just survived a crazy heat wave in Michigan this week. Our days have been spent at the pool, napping, and back at the pool. Thank god we have the pool! Marianna has become an even more incredible swimmer. She slowly, but surely, worked her way into the deep end...starting by jumping and swimming off the edge of pool and this week it was onto the diving board. In the past, I would have to go up with her and let her jump off while a lifeguard caught her. Today, she proably went off 50x all by herself, plunked down into the deep end and swam to the edge of pool without even so much as a finger from me. She is taking breaths, using big arms and kicking and I couldn't be more proud. Coach Matt even thought she was ready for the swim team this year!!
Prior to the heat wave, we have spent a lot of time during my staycation (vacation at home) outdoors enjoying all of our toys. Now that Daniella is crawling everywhere it has been a bit harder, but managable.
Here are some pictures before the Fourth...
Daniella still loves the rocking horse, but is NOT a fan of the push car anymore...
Marianna rediscovered the "bike" she got for her first birthday now that she knows how to steer it!

Daniella intently taking everything in with her big, beautiful eyes!
I feel like with everyone and everything...changes happen overnight!

Day One of heat wave...the fourth of july!

The girls all glistened up with sunblock and sweat...ready to hit the annual Georgetown bike parade!

Marianna loves the parade behind the firetruck...

Especially the tour at the end!

This game apparantly was really funny...spin the bowl on the floor. I am loving how my two little ladies are interacting and "playing" together!

DJ spent the better half of the morning preparing the chops....


and After....

As proud as the day Marianna and Daniella were born....

Everyone loves DJ chops, but Marianna is the biggest fan!

Little D...she is crawling, pulling up, standing, chatting, chatting, chatting (Dadadadada...all day long!), and is developing quite the personality. She is a charmer, cuddler, and loves to be kissed! Happy 8 Month birthday, little one!

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