"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Day of Midvale

Here is a picture from Marianna's first day of school way back in September...

Checking out the Brown Bear classroom and the door that had everyone's name. Little did I know that EVERY dropoff she would show me her name on the door before going in!

Fast forward to today and Marianna's last day of school...she was very sad this morning (despite the funny face). She kept saying "but mom, who am I going to play with this summer if I am not at school?"
a future Brown Bear...

Marianna made great friends with these two girls...Paloma and Madeline. The Three Amiga's!

A highlight for Marianna every morning was looking at what her job was going to be on the job chart. Her favorite was being the Song Helper. However, no matter what the job, I am told she took it very seriously!
Ms. Rebecca was Marianna's primary caregiver...She was awesome!

Ms. Dani was the lead teacher...
Ms. Kristen replaced Ms. Anna about MidYear and Marianna took right to her!

Daniella was like a classroom mascot...all the kids would gather around the baby when I dropped off or picked up. I am sure she will be missed!
Ms. Stephanie and Marianna...

Ellie and Marianna...

Hugs goodbye to all of her friends...

She will definately keep in touch with Camden over the summer! Her buddy...
Marianna had such a wonderful year (depsite the bumpy start) at preschool. DJ and I think it has done wonders for her and she made so many good friends. I am so happy with how it all turned out. Next year, she will be in the 3 year old class, hopefully with some of her friends from this year.

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