"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sisters, Part Two

We are getting ready to take Daniella's 12 week pictures tomorrow, so I was getting the camera ready and decided to snap a couple pictures of the girls hanging out. Also, I was thinking how different things are with one vs. number two...

In the bumbo seat (as well as other things) REALLY early! I think Daniella is desperate to interact rather than lay on the floor looking up...however, after a little bit she gets a bit tired!

If you notice, Daniella is laying on the floor in the kitchen. This is seriously where she spends a lot of time because the kitchen is where we spend a lot of time. I probably never would have created a playspace for Marianna on the kitchen floor!

Although, Marianna also seems to have gotten with the program, too! I can't wait to snap those 12 week pictures tomorrow. Where has the time gone?? Keep watching for an update on Daniella and hopefully some cute pictures as I fool around with my new camera!!

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