"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Daniella and Mckenna's play date

It is so exciting that both are girls are so close in age and will grow up together. Friends forever!
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Activity Time


Post Op

Marianna is giving a big thumbs up because it is second day post adnoidectomy and tube surgery.  The first day was pretty rough and we let her have basically the run of the house....lots of videos, lots of treats, lots of liquids...Now, we are dealing with a runny nose (aka: drainage :) but hopefully even a better day tomorrow.  The doctor said she has "significantly large" adnoids and only a little room for air to move through so their removal should make a huge difference.  Fingers crossed, lets hope so!!

Daniella doing what she does best...chillin'... and we are on DAY 5 of sleeping through the night!  8pm-7:30am...and mommy is a totally different person!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not a Sunday, but a FUN DAY, nevertheless!

Daniella...you are 12 weeks today! (and you are all smiles...)

We had Brady, Logan and Ms. Therese over for a great playdate!

Lo-Lo Bear...Marianna loves baby Logan and Logan loves the computer...how cute is he typing away furiously??

Aunt Katie brought baby James, Grace and Mary over for lunch. Baby James and Baby Daniella played so nicely together.... Ha :)

It is hard to get the kids to stop for a minute to snap a picture, but since it has been some time since I have gotten a picture of them all together....

Grace, Marianna and Mary

This is just a cute picture of Daniella going to pick up Marianna from school that I threw in. Thanks, Rikers, for all the adorable hand-me-downs!!

What a fun day...I am exhausted!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Lights are On...

Tomorrow, Daniella will be 12 weeks old. She has just started (consecutively) sleeping through the night from about 8:30pm - 7am and we (especially me...) couldn't be more excited. We have put her down when she is "drowsy, but awake" since she has been born and just manages to put herself to sleep...only when a nightlight is on in her room though. This is probably the biggest difference from Marianna who was rocked into a deep sleep for months! Daniella has a very different personality than Marianna and it has taken me sometime to get used to her "laid back" style. I often worried that the "lights are on, but no one is home", but that is not the case anymore. She continues to amaze us everyday. She rarely cries...unless she is hungry, then watch out!! She eats A LOT more than Marianna ever did and we sometimes have a hard time keeping up with her appetite. She is now enjoying her gymnini play mat and rainforest bouncer and is now batting at toys. She is very alert and her wide eyes enjoy watching everyone...but mostly her big sister, Marianna. Daniella is "talking" and I love having our conversations...DJ pointed out that she seems to be most engaged with me when it comes to that...I don't mind. Daniella has been nicknamed "cheeks mcgillicudy" by Daddy and Marianna, and I call her "my little snuzzler" and she will always be our baby girl.

Daniella has a love affair with her hands. However, usually both are in her mouth..
The smirk that reminds me that she is DJ's daughter...

OK, this is when I was losing her...clearly, she does at times have a temper...and it is usually when it is time to go to sleep! Here is her way of letting me know that she is D. O. N. E.

I am going to try to get more tomorrow or Friday with this hat, and some more body shots, too. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sisters, Part Two

We are getting ready to take Daniella's 12 week pictures tomorrow, so I was getting the camera ready and decided to snap a couple pictures of the girls hanging out. Also, I was thinking how different things are with one vs. number two...

In the bumbo seat (as well as other things) REALLY early! I think Daniella is desperate to interact rather than lay on the floor looking up...however, after a little bit she gets a bit tired!

If you notice, Daniella is laying on the floor in the kitchen. This is seriously where she spends a lot of time because the kitchen is where we spend a lot of time. I probably never would have created a playspace for Marianna on the kitchen floor!

Although, Marianna also seems to have gotten with the program, too! I can't wait to snap those 12 week pictures tomorrow. Where has the time gone?? Keep watching for an update on Daniella and hopefully some cute pictures as I fool around with my new camera!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I love my new robe :)

Marianna loves the new robe I found her at costco ! It is actually for after swimming and this was the only print they had left in extra small. Thank god little kids love tacky!
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pictures from my Phone

Just a test to see how I can post camera phone pictures to my blog. Picture of Daniella and my mom and day from the Red Wings game.
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Camera Phone Picture

A picture with her little giraffe!

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A New Year, A New Look

If you haven't noticed, I have finally decided to customize my blog :):)  I am also playing around with some tools like automatically emailing a group of people (Mom, Dad, Jill, DJ and Mr. Becharas) when I have a new post.  Let me know what you think!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby, When I See You Smile...

Daniella, working on those beautiful smiles...

Marianna working to help Daniella hold her toys...

A Whole New World

What was old is new again over here! We reopened the butterfly tent and Marianna couldn't be happier! It was like a brand new toy and we have been involved with it all day! In retrospect, I probably bought it too early for her to appreciate it because now she seems to be at the prime age to enjoy it!

I know I am a nut to have her in an exersaucer at 11 weeks, but with all the blankets, it is no different than the baby bjorn! Daniella loves this view of the world (the world being our kitchen :) and hopefully we are working on getting those neck muscles stronger!!