"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last Days of Summer

I realized earlier today that compared to last summer, we hardly have any pictures of Marianna enjoying the summer as a 2 year old. So I broke out the camera tonight while DJ was grilling dinner and tried to capture a typical summer night at the Becharas house. Bubble Machine, running, picking flowers, etc...
In this picture, Marianna has mastered the fake smile, which we refer to as the happy face. "Say Cheese" is just a recipe for disaster!

I love the look on her face in the third shot...letting the bubbles just land on her face...a picture is worth a thousand words!

Finally, a smile!

Marianna's new thing lately is "watch how fast I can run to you Mommy..." and I just hold my breath, waiting for a trip and fall...

I taught Marianna how to dead head the flowers and it is favorite activity. Although you can see from the dead flower pot, we didn't get around to doing it all that much this summer.

Marianna's belly laugh is hysterical...sounds like something between a laugh and a cry but really loud! That is her belly laughing in the first picture...
After going through these pictures, I have decided we are not ready for fall!

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