"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Babysitter Laura

We are so lucky to have the best babysitter in the world...babysitter Laura!!
Marianna gets so excited every morning when Laura comes to spend time with her during the day.

The itsy, bitsy spider...Marianna loves this song. I was surprised one day when I sang it and she knew all the hand movements....then I really wasn't all the surprised because we have such a great babysitter who is constantly teaching her!

Laura also taught all of us sign language! Marianna has been a great communicator from a young age thanks to the signing.

Thank you so much Laura for all that you do...We love you!!


Sara said...

ok..where are you getting all these sesame street slippers??? I can only find them on ebay..and not her size!!!

carrie b said...

toys r us and babies r us...she is getting princess slippers for christmas!!