"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

Our day started with some outdoor snow time since it was finally "warm" enough to go outside!
Marianna was a little freaked out about how deep the snow the snow was at first, but then soon came to love just standing there because it was too deep to walk in...

Here we are getting ready for Church...

After Church, DJ carving the leg of lamb (YUM!!) and finally a picture of us as a family :)

Even Marianna got to eat off the good china...

The Christmas tree prepared with all Marianna's gifts!!

First sight at what Santa brought...

We put money on it....straight to the Duck!!
I think her favorite gift were the beads from Party City and the Cinderella and Ariel tin purses!
There will be a lot of bouncing on the duck...

Marianna was an expert gift opener! I couldn't believe how she tore everything open so fast...

Yeah...Abby Caddaby...Marianna's favorite!

I was helping to unwrap the Penguin Race game...apparently I couldn't do it fast enough.

A potty! She knew right what to do...grab a book!

Here is the response to "Who wants to go Poo-Poo in the Potty?" .... ME!

My parents got her this princess desk...she LOVES it!

The duck was perfect to cuddle up with and watch Elmo!

Some pictures from Christmas Day at Nick and Michele's...

Marianna and the boys..

Thea Stephanie got Marianna her #1 Christmas gift wish list item....ELMO LIVE!

Next Day...enjoying it all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mommy's Helper

This year, I had someone very special helping me make the Chocolate Trifle that I make every year for Christmas Eve. Can you guess who my special helper is who loves to dump, stir, and taste everything? (other than DJ....)

Little Miss Marianna
(Yep.....it's good!)

Really good....

I doubt she will be eating any dinner tonight....

When we were done, Marianna went to the other counter to start on another "project"...