"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Apple of Our Eye

It was a beautiful Indian summer day so we decided to head out to Erwins Apple Orchard in South Lyon.

Marianna loves pumpkins! Every time we have gone to the grocery store recently, we spend a good 5-10 minutes inspecting the pumpkins. Not only was she inspecting today, but also giving the pumpkins kisses!

You are my little pumpkin, Marianna!

Since it was such a beautiful day, we had to wait in a little line for the tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard. Marianna didn't mind at all...she took everything in...

We decided on picking Empire Apples after talking to others on the wagon ride...Here Marianna is on our shoulders getting the good, delicious apples!

She loved putting them in the bag!!

Even though DJ hates apples, he sure seemed to enjoy picking them, too!

Marianna and Daddy holding hands walking through the orchard. (we are really, really, really into holding mommy and daddy's hands when walking!)

Waiting for our ride back...

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..." DJ and little Deege, again.

It was taking a while, so Marianna escaped the hot sun under the tree and finished off her apple!

More hand holding...

Uh-oh...time to go.

There was also a petting zoo at the Orchard. To an animal lover like Marianna...quite a big deal!

Definitely not afraid to jump right in and get her hands dirty!

Time to go again (I could have predicted this meltdown from a mile away...check out the others peoples expressions!)...

We had a great family Sunday outing! I can't wait to make my first homemade apple pie with all the fresh, yummy apples we picked!

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