"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daniella: Moving On Up

Well we are trying to move Daniella along the big girl continuum. Today, I took of the front part of her crib to move her into the toddler bed. I am not sure what to expect with this transition but tonight our fingers are crossed for a good night. She had been crawling into Marianna's bed for the past couple weeks and pulling the sheets up and tucking herself in...and then screaming when I took her from her nest and put her in the crib. We thought she might be trying to tell us something. So here goes nothing!!

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Halloween Decorations? ...Check!

It is no secret that I absolutely love Halloween! When Marianna asked me the other day if we could decorate I said..."Absolutely!!". So I surprised her when she came home from school by getting out all our decorations. She was so excited! I am also the chairperson for their classroom Halloween Party and I can't wait!!

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Deena's First Meal

Here are more pictures from Deena's first meal: Apples and Rice Cereal. It went over...ok...I think it may take some more time and we are in no hurry.

and all cleaned up and onto the next activity!
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Baton Girls

Marianna with the baton twirlers...now she wants to be a baton twirler...

Daddy's Little Girl

Future Spartys

Marianna and Kaitlyn...a few weeks apart.  We will show this picture to them when they are coeds at MSU someday ...


Daniella and Mckenna...a few months apart.

Baby's First MSU Game

She was all smiles when she was awake...

Future Customer

More like mother, like daughter...

Like mother, like daughter

Go state

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today was Daniella's "repeat" first day of school.  Everything went really well and she had no problem at drop off.  YEAH!
 About every other night, Marianna has some homework to do.. After we spend some time practicing on the dry erase board, then she does the work.  It took quite some time today to get our 2's and 3's down.  However, she soon had it nailed.  Way to go Marianna!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Go State

Thank you so much aunt jan for the adorable msu headbands!!  Deena isn't quite ready to model hers but one day I am sure she will be as happy as her sisters :-)  it was so nice of you to think of us...and marianna loves the Cinderella piggy bank, too!

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Here's Deena in hers...

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of School That Never Happened

Here is Daniella all dressed and ready for her first day of school at First Presbyteran. Too bad it never happened!!! Daniella took one step in the Butterfly Room and threw up everywhere!!! Not once, but several times. Just stood there and vomited. Some parents decided not to leave their kids because they were afraid their kids would get sick. I am beyone mortified but take comfort in knowing that one day...way in the future...I will look upon this day and laugh. Today though, I am not finding it too funny.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

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The Morning Boogie

Here are some pictures of Deena at 4 months getting her "exercise".  I think she enjoying the new view of her world and getting that peanut head of hers up in the air!! She continues to be the BBIA (best baby in America :-)