"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bathing Beauty

Deena LOVES a bath! She is really getting into it now that the mesh sling is gone. Next time: TOYS!! She's ready for it!
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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Cousins

Keeping Cool

Fourth of July at the Rikers

The amount of children outnumbered the adults by far!!  
The boys of summer... 

More Smiles Everyday

 Get...ready for it....
 God bless this little girl!!
Miss Deena at 10 weeks, smiling her little heart out...

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Firetruck

Marianna kept asking if a firetruck was going to lead the bike parade again this year.  First, I was impressed with her memory.  Second, I just said my prayers that there would be otherwise I may have found myself leading the way saying "Whoooo....Wheww....." in order to avoid a "Marianna meltdown" in front of everyone!

Fourth of July Bike Parade

Even though DJ and I were crazy busy setting up for the big Lambchopapalooza, especially now balancing three little ones, it is necessary to take a moment out for the annual bike parade.  I picked up our neighbor, Bridget, and the girls were so excited.  I don't Daniella had a clue what was going on...(shocker), but loved the dog that was walking next to her and was quite obsessive about it, yelling "doggie" the entire time.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011