Friday, September 11, 2009
Franklin Cider Mill
Well, drop off didn't go well for her...or me for that matter today. She cried (I later came to learn it was again only for a few minutes...) and I cried off and on the entire day. However, I don't know how the day goes until I pick her up. So consequently, I had a rough day imagining Marianna crying the entire day because she was "missing her mommy".
The good news is, the teachers said after reuniting with her with George the Monkey (stuffed animal), she was easily consoled and didn't want to leave when I came to pick her up. She was very anxious to show me the friends she was playing with (Paloma, Madeline and Soren) and was bouncing off the walls. She took another good nap there which thrills me because I never thought that would happen so soon.
So, again, she claims she can't wait to go back to we will keep it going and (fingers crossed) it will continue to get easier every time at drop off!
As a special treat after school, we payed a visit to Franklin Cider Mill to feed the ducks and fill up on their fresh donuts, cider and apples. Marianna loved, loved, loved feeding the ducks and could have cared less about anything else.
Here we are on the way with our duck food (ducks like does Marianna...)
She thought all the ducks at her feet was hysterical...
There was as much food to the ducks as there was to Marianna...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Marianna's First (Full Day) at Midvale
Marianna was in a great mood all morning...helping to pick out her lunchbox and what she wanted to put in it, choosing what she wore (sparkly monkey shirt...shocker!) and her new hello kitty undies which you cannot see, but she was super excited about them. Today was her day!
Even if it is only HAVE to take the token pictures outside your front here we are...
In all our monkey glory...(monkey shirt, monkey bag and George the monkey for nap time)...
(Outside the Brown Bear classroom...where she will spend 3 days/week from 9-3:30.) The first picture to me is hilarious...looks like she is already giving me attitude about the 100 pictures we have already taken this morning!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Day of School
She did such a great job playing with all the other kids and rarely came over to see DJ and I...her teachers are fantastic and I can tell she is going to have a lot of fun here!
Way to go Marianna!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Who Swims Like a Little Fish?
Marianna has been in swim classes at Goldfish since last October...I think they paid off because she absolutely loves being in the water! (Works out well for me because I love to be at the pool :) The summer has gone by too fast and today was our last day at the pool....I am devastated.
Today, I got a couple clips of Marianna swimming at Birmingham and (wow) has she come a long way since last year. She swims independently now and even has learned to take breaths! She loves to spin underwater and roll onto her back too. We even had one day where she went off the diving board all by herself about 15 times... (however not to be repeated since...go figure!).
So now begins our private lessons at Goldfish with our end goal of swim team next year at BCC... Fingers crossed!