"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Birmingham Fair

This weekend we went with the Everly's to the Birmingham Fair. The weather wasn't great in the morning when we went but it didn't impact the amount of fun the kids had!

Not really in order of how the day went, here were some of the rides Marianna went on...

Daddy took her on the slide and it was what we did on the way out. Too bad, because she loved it!!

We called her "Little Miss Indifferent" on the teacups. I don't think she cracked a smile once on this ride, but claimed she loved it...

I think DJ had the most fun out of anyone :)

Her favorite ride by far was the Merry Go Round. We went on it twice and could have gone on it 10 more times!

Grace and Marianna had a prime seat on the train!

Worst idea ever by far was the "roller coaster". At 16 weeks pregnant and still a little nauseous...what was I thinking???

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Parade and Carnival

Here was are at the Beverly Hills Parade and Carnival. It was actually both Marianna's and DJ's first parade and carnival and we had so much fun that this for sure will be an annual event!

I think the highlight for Marianna is all the treats people would throw out to the crowd as she would try to eat all of them!

The fire engines were a big hit! There were about 6 and everytime another one would come Marianna would start jumping around and say "another one mama, another one!"

The video below is her first time ever on a ride, she was super serious, and super hilarious.

What is a weekend these days without a bouncy house??

This was a really big slide and i am shocked that she went down it! It was hard pulling her away once she went down it.

What a great day!!

Memorial Day 2009: First "Carnival" Ride

Today, we went to the Beverly Hills Parade and "Carnival" at Beverly Park. There was a great parade and basically one kids ride and a ton of different bouncy houses. Here is a video of Marianna's first carnival ride. They were space ships that you could steer and if you can pardon my annoying screaming of her name to get her attention, you will notice how serious she is "driving" the space ship and we think she really thought that she was driving it, too!

What's Been Goin' On....

It has been brought to my attention, by many, that I have been a terrible blogger lately. I know. I think most everyone that reads the blog is now aware that I am almost 15 weeks pregnant, and let me tell you the first 14 weeks were no picnic. I have gotten in the habit of taking a nap when Marianna does and that is usually when I got a lot of blogging and other things done. Needless to say, I am far behind as I still have pictures to upload from California!

Anyway, there have been several recent developments in the Becharas home since the last blog. In addition to the new baby expected in November, Marianna has been cruising right along and will be turning 2 June 9. Last week was huge for her! She picked up potty training like a rockstar (we call her a potty prodigy) and is in Dora big girl underwear now (pull ups for when we go out), and has also changed rooms and is fully transitioned to her big girl bed!

We never thought either would happen until well past the new baby was here. However, once she saw the Dora underwear, she wanted nothing more to do with diapers and asked to go on the potty and has been doing it ever since (I might add though that the 2 m&m's she gets has helped for a quick study :). Also, she asked last week to sleep in her big girl bed for a nap. The bed wasn't exactly ready, so the next day, I ran out and bought some rails for the sides of her bed and an air conditioning unit (it gets really hot in her room) and DJ put her to bed in it for the first time Friday night. I wasn't even there and he was shocked! So far, she has been contained from when she goes down until we get her up at 7am. No trying to get out. Even yesterday, she napped at my parents in their bed all by herself. She continues to amaze us each and everyday. I am so excited for her because you can tell that she is so proud of herself and it shows. We are proud, too! We love you, Nana!

Some of Marianna's silly faces...

Hmmmm...Where did she learn this from??