"These are days you'll remember...Never before and never since, will the whole world be warm as this...
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true...That you are blessed and lucky."

Friday, February 27, 2009

Good Night Sweetheart

It takes a while to get to hear her sing "Goodnight Sweetheart" but some of the stuff leading up to it I find to be typical Marianna. Thinking all food is hot...when it has been sitting out for some time now...

DJ puts Marianna to bed everynight and sings to her "Goodnight Sweetheart". To our suprise, she picked it up the other day and was singing it to Froggy and Elmo as she was putting them in the crib. Sooo cute. She is a sponge!

(I have posted a lot of other videos...it was easier than picture taking this week!)

Marianna's Alphabet

Marianna knows the alphabet really well...she's really good at saying A-K, however, when she sings the entire alphabet song, she tends to skip over a lot and merges some letters together. It's pretty funny actually!

Thank You??

Ok, this is NOT what you think. We do NOT use this word in our house...at all. Marianna has been getting her Th sounds mixed up with the F sound. For example, she pronouces a bath "a baf".
So the first time I asked Marianna to say thank you and the F-bomb came out of her mouth, I was pretty taken back. We have now had to ask her to say "ank you" as opposed to thank you...otherwise others are going to wonder what the heck we are teaching her!

I had to get it on video. I am sure you understand..

Barney Song

It goes something like this:

I love you, I love me...

best friend....

a great hug...

a kiss to me...

????? say me too!

(It should be "I love you, you love me...were best friends like friends should be...with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you...won't you say you love me too!"

However, I like this version 10x better :)

One more time....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Little Monkey

Marianna is on the mend...thank god! This was a pretty bad virus and there was nothing we could do for her but try to keep her comfortable. Thankfully, today she was finally back to being Marianna!
Marianna loves to spend time in her room...by herself now. Friday night, she had the Elmo live CD on and kept shutting the door. I would try to come in the room and she was say "Mama OUT!" and shut the door. I peeked in saw her jumping on the bed to the Elmo CD and looking at herself in the mirror. Do we have a teenager already???

As you can see, we have our little Marianna back and jumping on the bed is her favorite thing to do and then jumping into all the pillows.


Marianna also loves the vanity in her room...shocker! She loves to brush her hair and look in the mirror...

Oh, and play with the little Elephants! Here they are probably dancing...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Nana's Sick"

I am sick today but all the videos made me feel better. I had all my friends there to watch them with me! My two best friends (elmo and froggy) got VIP seating.

Being sick is not fun....however I think the worst part of the day though was when I caught mommy putting Elmo and Froggy in the washing machine! She told me they were getting a shower but I knew better. I cried for 40 minutes and kept checking back on them every 5 until they came out. What was mommy thinking?!?! They are still a little damp in this picture, but at least I know they are safe...and clean :)

Valentines Day Presents

I love all my valentines day gifts from Yia-Yia and Papou!!

I would have loved to sleep with all of them!

Here are the monkey's from Papou...

and I love bouncing on Mr. Frog!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Next American Idol

Marianna loves this song from Sesame Street Live called "Sing After Me". She knows all the words and sings them even before Big Bird does (we are talking words like "do-do-do, and hi-hi-hi). Her is the end of her performance. Let me also decode her language at the end she was saying "fun...fun!"

Making Our Valentines

Well..that was the plan...and then it took on a life of it's own.
For Christmas, Marianna got some finger paints and has been asking to play with the "paints" whenever I open the pantry. Today was all about fun in the Becharas house. Since the cable was out....we danced to Sesame Street Live (video to come...), colored, stamped, played with play dough, and got to try the finger paints for the first time.
Needless to say, making a mess with your hands is always a good time. Here are some pictures from our Valentines Day festivities...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Superbowl...Super Party!

Mike and Theresa Rushwin had a great Superbowl party! I only had my camera out for a little bit because there was so much chaos in the playroom with all the kids. Luckily, Marianna thrives in this atmosphere and had a blast.

I love that all these kids are growing up together having so much fun (all the different ages playing so nicely together!!!!)

BFF's: Marianna and Grace (aka: Frick and Frack)

Tommy is getting sooo big and sooo cute and might just have the best head of hair on a kid...ever!!

Thank goodness for Avery, the big kid on the block...she helps out so much with all the kids! We love Avery!!

Like A Fish To Water...

Daddy came today to Marianna's swimming lesson and boy did she show off!! Marianna loves her goldfish swimming class and we are so excited to take what she has learned to California in March!

Practicing kicking and scooping on the barbell...

Monkey bouncing to the wall and doing the "monkey walk" is her favorite part!

Marianna....Ready...Go! She loves going under water and has even held her breath now for 10 seconds across the pool!
This is how she pops up when she reaches the step....a big "YEAH!!"

Humpty Dumpty song...Marianna also loves to jump in the pool all by herself.

The slide at the end is the biggest deal ever! Most people catch their kids..but Marianna prefers to go under and then she floats back up to the top. This time...she came up feet first! (And then wants to do it again and again...)